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Electric Fireplace Suites - Transform Your Home Without a Chimney Or FlueBring style and warmth to your home by installing stunning electric fireplaces. They do not require chimney or flue installation and can be used to provide a variety of heat.Electric fire suites are offered in a variety of styles, ranging from traditional to modern. Some also feature media units and log stores to make them a real eye-catching feature.Easy to installA freestanding electric fireplace suite might be the perfect solution for you if you're looking to transform your home quickly and easily. Our collection of electric fire suites uk is easy to install and provides the perfect focal point for your living area.Our suites are equipped with an electric fireplace and a stone or marble effect surround. This lets you create a stunning focal point for your home. These suites are ideal for those who do not have the time or ability to construct a media wall or are unable to install an electric fireplace or flue. Some even have a log store or place to display your decor, providing additional aesthetics to the set.Electric fire suites generate heat through the fan that draws cool air to the base, and then releases it at the higher temperature. The heat is then radiated to the room via the use of halogen lamps or LED lighting. This method is extremely efficient and lets you heat your room in a fraction of the time it takes the traditional stove.Electric suites aren't just easy to install but also require minimal maintenance. You can easily plug your new fireplace in any flat wall. However, if you're anxious about getting your electric fireplace suite functioning it's recommended to have an electrician who is a professional do the job.If you choose to install the electric fireplace yourself, it is important to first determine if your wall can accommodate one. Make sure that the hole you're making is solid and sturdy, and that it can accommodate the dimensions of the unit (is it sufficient deep enough, for instance). Once you've done this, you'll be able to insert your new electric suite into the hole and fix it to the wall.One of our most popular suites is the Suncrest Detroit. A contemporary electric fireplace suite that does not require chimneys, flue or recess, it has a lovely big frame with a white, textured finish that frames the wide-view electric fireplace perfectly. It's also slim in height, making it ideal for those who plan to mount your TV above. With remote controls, manual and app controls, brightness/intensity settings and various mood lighting options, this suite offers maximum convenience as well as an amazingly realistic flame display and heater.A chic focal pointOne of the major advantages of an electric fire suite is that you do not require a chimney or flue to set up. This lets you install an electric fireplace in your home almost instantaneously and offer an attractive feature that will turn any living room or bedroom into a cosy space. A lot of the suites we offer come with pre-built surrounds in both traditional and contemporary designs that provide a perfect frame for the fireplace and offer a stylish aesthetic to your home. Some surrounds include log storage, media units and areas for displaying decor.A contemporary electric fireplace is the perfect focal feature in an open-plan living space. Rearranging your furniture to ensure that the most important pieces are angled towards the fireplace will create an eye-catching feature. You can also add a splash of colour with vases, flowers or artwork to draw the eye towards the room and enhance the effect.In this contemporary living space, a stylish electric suite is incorporated into the wall, which is clad with natural wood effect panels. The suite has an off-white MDF mantel with moulded coal bed effect and 13-colour LED mood lighting which can be controlled or cycled to create the ambience you want. The heater has a soft heat output and is Eco Design certified with a seven-day timer and thermostatic control.A suite that resembles the Imperium by evonicfires shows how an electric fireplace can be an attractive focal point in your home. The Imperium is distinctive and tasteful with its expertly designed curved details, stone side wings & 640mm eSmart flame effect display. The light colours of the LED can be adjusted for optimum lighting and the over-bed illumination is controlled separately with different brightness settings that allow you to create an inviting glow that illuminates your entire living space. Its low operating costs are also a big plus, with less than PS4 annually when the fireplace is used for 5 hours a day.Save floor spaceA fireplace set includes all the elements needed to turn your home into an elegant, exclusive centrepiece. The packages available include a selection of mantelpiece and surround, along with the option of a solid fuel, gas or electric fire to suit your property's style. Conventional gas fires are ideal for homes that have a chimney or balanced flue, while balanced models offer a more efficient heating solution for houses without one.The eStudio Electric Suite pictured above is the perfect blend of traditional design and modern efficiency. Its sleek frameless design allows it to be hung on any wall of the home. The electric fire can be tailored to suit your preferences. Some of the options available include flame speed, brightness and color of the flame to create a look that suits your ambiance.In addition the majority of electric suites can also function as a TV media wall, with some even permitting you to select your own mood lighting settings using LED. This negates the requirement for a separate media console and helps to save space, while still offering the mesmerising visuals of your chosen fireplace suite.When selecting an electric fireplace suite it is essential to consider the type of fireplace you will be purchasing since it will have a significant impact on the price and performance of the unit. You will have to take into consideration the wattage, current electricity rates and the amount of time you intend to use the fireplace on a daily basis.A fireplace with an electric component can provide warmth to your living space in a manner that is different from other types of heaters since they do not use any fuel and instead rely on the process of a fan. This means that these units are significantly less expensive to run than other kinds of heaters.Another benefit of having an electric fire suite is that it is very easy to set up, as there is no requirement for chimneys or flues. As such, these suites are great for homes in the process of being renovated, and for those looking to add a fire in their existing living spaces.Add warmth to your homeIf you're seeking to add warmth to your home, then an electric fire suite might be perfect for you. These suites include a fireplace surround and mantelpiece as well as an electric fire. They are available in many designs and finishes. They're also simple to install and use, so you can be enjoying them in the shortest amount of time.Electric fire suites don't emit harmful gasses like wood burning stoves. They warm your room instead by circulating heat around the room. This will warm guests, you and your belongings. best electric fire suites is why they're ideal for those who live in apartments or condos in areas where it may not be safe or practical to install a traditional fireplace suite.They also make a great rental choice because they do not require any wall or ceiling modifications. This means that you can enjoy them in your home for as long as you want, and then take them with you if you decide to move to a different property. They are also ideal for households with pets or children since they don't release harmful gasses as other heating methods do.Another great thing about electric fireplaces is that they're very cost-effective to run. The fire can be turned on and off using a simple switch. They consume very little energy. Additionally, there are many options for the flame effect and brightness to suit your home's decor.This Suncrest Detroit electric fire suite is available in a range of colours. It has a modern elegant and stunning appearance. It comes with an effect of a coal bed that is moulded and LED mood lighting that you can alter to match your mood. The suite includes a remote as well as two-kW heater that costs less than PS4 a year to run. The Suncrest Detroit suite is the ideal choice for anyone who wants an elegant focal point in their living space.
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