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How to Cope With Social Anxiety DisorderMany people feel nervous or shy in certain situations. If these feelings become overwhelming, it may be a sign of a social anxiety disorder.Social anxiety disorder is characterized by fear or distress when faced with performance or social situations. The fear or distress is out of proportion to the actual risk of the situation. The fear can be generalized or specific.TreatmentPeople suffering from social anxiety disorder feel intense fear and distress that is insignificant to the actual risk that they face, for example, feeling embarrassed or snubbed in public. These feelings can lead to avoidance of social situations and, in some instances depression or other health issues. There are many treatments available for this problem.Medications and psychotherapy can ease symptoms and improve quality of life. Psychotherapy (also called cognitive behavioral treatment) can help you develop coping skills to manage anxiety and change negative thinking patterns. Your therapist and you work together to build your confidence and gradually face the situations that cause stress. This kind of treatment typically takes between 12 and 16 sessions.In person or online In person or online, you can get access to therapy sessions via a chat. One common therapy is called exposure therapy, in which you gradually expose yourself to social situations that make you uncomfortable. You can help your brain accept that the situations may not be as hazardous as they seem.There are many types of medications used to treat social anxiety disorder However, they can take weeks or months to begin working. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, like fluoxetine (Prozac) sertraline (Zoloft) and paroxetine (Paxil) can help reduce the severity of your anxiety. They may also help with your depression symptoms. Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, such as duloxetine (Cymbalta) and venlafaxine (Effexor) are other antidepressants that can help with anxiety. Antianxiety medications like alprazolam and clonazepam can also help relieve your symptoms. However, they should only be taken short-term.Your doctor and you should weigh the risks and benefits of each medication before deciding one. Some antidepressants can interfere with your ability to sleep and others can increase the risk of suicide. If you're considering using an antidepressant in the future, you should discuss it with your psychologist or therapist. Your therapy provider and you can discuss whether the medication may interact with other drugs or supplements you are taking, such as herbal remedies. In addition to looking into the medication your doctor needs to understand the extent to which your social anxiety is and how it affects your daily life.Self-helpEveryone feels nervous or uncomfortable when they are in social situations, but those experiences are different than those of people who have severe social anxiety disorder. This condition is more than being nervous prior to giving a speech in public or being nervous when meeting new people. It's a constant anxiety about being judged or embarrassed in some way. Social anxiety disorder is such a debilitating condition that it can affect all aspects of life, including work and relationships as well as home. There are many self-help techniques available to help sufferers of social anxiety disorder improve their quality of life.Self-help includes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a form of therapy that helps people deal with anxiety and change the negative thoughts that trigger it. CBT can be conducted individually with a therapist or in a group and is often paired with medication. Social anxiety sufferers should also consider engaging in activities that help them feel happy. Exercise, for instance can help reduce anxiety and improve mood. Another method to help yourself is to surround yourself with positive people. This may be difficult for someone with social anxiety However, it can be beneficial if you surround yourself with people who love you and see your beauty, even though you may not see it yourself.It is possible to overcome social anxiety by tackling tasks, particularly if are competitive. It could be as easy as battling yourself, for instance, trying to talk to each person at an event more times than you did last time. It could be as easy as competing against yourself, for example, trying to talk to everyone at a dinner party longer than you did the last time.Consult your general practitioner even if you haven't sought assistance for social anxiety. They may refer you to a mental health professional who can provide advice and support. Self-help options can include psychotherapy, medication and lifestyle modifications. Medication isn't an effective treatment for social anxiety however, it can alleviate symptoms and decrease the intensity of your anxiety.MedicationIf you're experiencing anxiety or anxiety that affects your daily life, or makes you avoid certain situations or big life changes, speak to an expert in health care. Your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms and conduct an examination to ensure that there isn't a recurrent medical issue. If your doctor suspects you suffer from social anxiety, they will refer you to an expert in mental health. There are many kinds of psychotherapy that treat social anxiety.Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a method of teaching you new techniques for managing anxiety, can help you change your negative thoughts and feelings that cause anxiety. CBT can be done alone or with a group of people in support groups. Exposure therapy is a different type of psychotherapy in which a healthcare professional helps patients confront things that create anxiety and discomfort instead of avoid or avoiding them.Antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), can also help with the symptoms of social anxiety disorder. depression and anxiety disorder cause changes in your brain that improve your mood and decrease anxiety. It could take a few weeks before the medication starts working. Benzodiazepines, such as alprazolam (Xanax) or clonazepam (Klonopin) could also be used for some individuals suffering from social anxiety disorder. These drugs work quickly to decrease anxiety and can be habit-forming, so they are usually only used for short durations or in specific situations, such as before giving speech.There are many other types of drugs that can be used to treat social anxiety, including tricyclic antidepressants as well as a class of drugs referred to as monoamine oxide inhibitors (MAOIs). Your doctor will determine the right medication for your needs based on your symptoms and any other health conditions or allergies that you have. Make sure to inform your doctor about any other supplements or medications you are taking and discuss any adverse effects that could occur. Even when you feel better, it is crucial to take your medication as prescribed. Suddenly stopping your medication can increase your chances of having a Relapse.Support groupsIf you're a sufferer of social anxiety support groups can help you overcome your anxieties and learn to manage your condition. They provide a safe, non-judgmental environment where you can discuss your issues with other people who suffer from the same issue. You can also learn how to manage your emotions and improve your quality of life. Support groups can be found in person or online.Before joining a support group, consider the structure and the requirements for membership. Some groups are led professionally by mental health professionals, and others are self-help groups without professional guidance. Consider whether the group will meet regularly or will operate more fluidly. You may want to think about the number of people there and how much privacy they'll have.Asking your therapist or doctor for suggestions is the best way to find an appropriate support group. You should also read reviews about various groups and seek feedback from those who have been in the group. You can also consult resources provided by ADAA, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. They provide lists of online and community support groups for those suffering from anxiety disorders in the United States, Canada, and other countries.Social anxiety disorders can make meeting with strangers a frightening experience. The thought of being in front of people can also be intimidating. If you're nervous about going to a meeting with a stranger, think about asking a friend or family member to go with you for the first few meetings. There are support groups on websites like Support Groups Central. This website provides audio and video calling as well as discussion forums and a chat room.A good support group can assist you in dealing with social anxiety by teaching you that you're not alone and assisting you to realize that the negative beliefs you think about yourself aren't real or true at all. It can also help you develop an optimistic attitude and the techniques to effectively deal with your social anxiety. Any advice you receive from an online support group should only be used with caution, and should not be used to replace the treatment recommendations of your healthcare provider. plan.
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