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Top Personal Injury Attorneys Near MeWhen you are injured, you must focus on managing your symptoms and improving. This is why it's crucial to locate top personal injury lawyers near me who take your case seriously.Personal injury lawyers demand financial compensation for accident victim's medical expenses pain and suffering, emotional stress, and lost wages. They also advocate for maximum compensation from the accountable party.Queller, Fisher, Washor, Fuchs & KoolThe law firm Queller, Fisher, Washor, Fuchs & Kool, located in New York City, has over 30 years' experience in handling personal injury cases. They have represented clients in many different cases, including car accidents, medical negligence, and construction accident claims. The lawyers are well-known for their willingness to serve a broad variety of clients and possess the skills necessary to handle cases that are complex.Their attorneys are renowned in the area of personal injury and have handled cases involving medical malpractice and motor vehicle accidents, brain injuries and wrongful death cases. They have secured millions of dollars for their clients in settlements and verdicts by juries. Clients have also awarded them high ratings on Google reviews as well as other reputable platforms.The New York-based firm has been representing victims since its inception in 1992. The NYC personal injury attorneys team consists of highly skilled trial lawyers and support staff. The firm has a wealth of experience in handling personal injury and medical negligence cases. It can help clients receive the compensation they need to put their lives back on track.Mirman, Markovits & LandauMirman, Markovits & Landau, a New York City personal injury law firm has more than 200 years of experience helping victims of accidents. They are renowned for their compassion, expertise and dedication to their clients. They handle all kinds of cases, including car accidents as well as medical malpractice, wrongful death and more. They provide services to clients in the greater New York area, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Westchester.Michele S. Mirman has been named a Super Lawyer by Super Lawyers magazine for the past 10 years. She is currently one of the top personal injury lawyers in the nation. She is licensed to practice in various states and has earned the highest rating possible on Avvo - 10.0 "Superb." She is a specialist in representing those injured by car accidents nursing home abuse construction injuries medical malpractice, as well as slip and fall cases.Nolo's lawyer listings are based on an attorney's professional license in good standing with the state agency that regulates lawyers. Nolo verifies the license status of each attorney and traces for any sanctions. You can also look up a lawyer's name or address to view reviews and ratings, work history, awards, photographs, education and social media profiles, public records, and more. This allows you to make an informed choice when selecting an attorney to handle your particular case. Nolo's free and comprehensive lawyer listings are simple to use.Greenberg & SteinIf you've been involved in a truck-related accident, the NYC personal injury lawyers at Greenberg & Stein can help you determine the cause of your accident occurred and who's liable. They can determine if the driver of the truck was fatigued or distracted, or if a trucking firm adhered to regulations and safety standards. They can also determine if the truck was maintained properly or was loaded in an unsafe manner. They can investigate the cause of your injuries and help you get the most compensation you can get.Greenberg & Stein is well-known for their unwavering advocacy on behalf construction workers and other injured employees. They have racked up several notable verdicts including one that awarded a $5.48m award for a medical aid who fell in a hospital. VerdictSearch named this as one of the most significant verdicts in the state for 2015.Edwin H. personal injury lawyer near me is the firm's partner. He is a former appeals judge who served on New York Supreme Court. He was also recently named an "Super Lawyer". Stern has more than 30 years of litigation experience and is an expert at appeals advocacy and motion practice. He has a record of success with reversals and victories in the New York Supreme Court as well as appellate courts. He frequently mediates and arbitrates civil and chancery cases. He advises clients on appeals examines briefs and other filings, and conducts moot courts.Hach & RoseHach & Rose is one of the top personal injury law firms in New York. They are dedicated to fighting for their clients and have achieved countless results including multimillion-dollar jury verdicts and settlements. They have been featured in numerous publications, like New York Magazine and The National Law Journal. Their client service is second to none which is why they have five-star ratings on Google reviews.Gregory Hach and Michael Rose created the firm on the principle that the needs of their clients should always be put first. They have assembled a team of experts who work together to produce the best possible results for their clients. Their success in these cases has earned national recognition and the honor of being included on New York Super Lawyers.They handle several types of cases which include car accidents, construction accidents, medical malpractice and workers compensation. They have also secured multimillion-dollar settlements for injured victims of a helicopter crash as well as the crash of a plane. They can recover damages for medical expenses as well as lost wages, emotional distress and property damage.It is recommended to speak with an attorney in New York immediately if you have been injured in a vehicle accident. They will guide you through the complex car accident case and ensure that you receive the money you need to cover your medical costs. They will also fight for you against insurance companies that try to reduce your claim.
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