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Adding a Fireplace Suite to Your HomeAdding a fireplace suite to your home is an easy and convenient way to enhance the ambience. These suites are also energy-efficient and give off warmth that creates a cosy and comfortable environment.Evolution Fires offers showroom quality electric fire suites that do not require a chimney. The free-standing units are offered in a variety styles and can be installed on any flat surface.They are simple to install.Electric fire suites offer an alternative to traditional fireplaces which require chimneys and flues. They are a great option to add warmth and ambiance to your home. Electric fire suites can be positioned in many different settings, including ones without fireplaces as well as those with fireplaces that were plastered over. They are also energy efficient and provide comfort and ambiance without the need for combustibles.fireplacesandstove are popular due to the fact that they are easy to install and use. However, it's important to follow the instructions for installation to ensure a secure and efficient setup. It's crucial, for instance to keep your electric fireplace away from anything flammable and to use a certified electrical plug to prevent overheating.There may be adjustments prior to installing the electric fire suite, depending on the model you choose. You should consult with the manufacturer about wall strength and space requirements. Some models require you to install an adjustable bracket to hold the fireplace. It is essential to choose the correct size bracket to ensure it fits within the space and not cause any damage to the ceiling or walls.Install the fire suite once you've completed the necessary changes. First, you'll need to remove the box and inspect it to ensure that it's free of any damages. Consult the user's manual for more detailed instructions on how to mount the fire. Next, you'll need to connect the bracket to the wall using the slots at the back of the fire. Some fire suites with electric ignition have bottom brackets while others are designed to be hung on the wall without need for additional support.A lot of modern electric fire suites include advanced features like Optimyst technology, which produces an amazingly realistic flame display and log fuel bed. The result is a real-looking stunning fire that can be used to decorate your living room. You can even alter the temperature and ambiance of your fireplace using an app that you can download on your smartphone.They are energy-efficientElectric fires provide an energy-efficient alternative to traditional wood or gas fires. They convert almost 100% of their energy into heat which makes them a great choice for your home. They require less maintenance than other heating methods. You can easily switch between flame effect and heat settings with a simple touch of a key. This allows you to save money while enjoying the cozy warmth of your fireplace all year round.A fully integrated electric fire suite is a great option to increase the value of your property and help it stand out on the market. It can make your home more attractive to prospective buyers and speed up the selling process.Many people are surprised when they discover that electric fires are not just a decorative element but also a highly efficient heating method. Many of our wall-mounted or recessed electric fireplace suites are equipped with powerful fan heaters that can deliver up to 2kW. They can be operated independently from the beautiful real-life log or coal effect that lets you control both the heat and the ambiance of your wall with complete flexibility.Additionally, the revolutionary Opti-myst technology employed by Evonic fires can produce an amazingly realistic flame effect, without the need for fuel or venting making use of an ultrasonic mist that can create the illusion of burning logs or coals. This is reflected in the enhanced depth of the fuel bed thanks to LED lighting to give it a lifelike appearance.Moreover, the installation of an electric fire set-up in your home is a stress-free and cost-effective option, as it doesn't require chimneys or flue. You can also choose an elegant surround and an electric fire from a variety of designs that will fit your room decor. For example, the Elgin & Hall Vitalia marble surround has a grand presence and is perfect for traditional or contemporary rooms. Flamerite Aubade or Tennyson LED Fireplace Suites can be set flat against any wall. They even have downlights. They're a popular option for those who want to install an easy-to-maintain electric fire suite in their homes.They are available in various stylesElectric fire suites can be an excellent option for those who wish to add the warmth of fireplaces without having to build a chimney. They are simple to install and can be plugged in to any flat wall in your home. The suites are available in a variety of styles that will suit any decor. Some of them are available with different finishes.Modern electric fire suites are designed to look similar to traditional fireplaces and include a mantelpiece, or surround, a back panel, and an inset electric fire. Some models include the hearth which is set underneath the suite to shield your floors and walls from damage caused by heat.There are a variety of styles of electric fire suites, including minimalist designs or wall-mounted options. Some electric fireplaces come with built-in features like storage units or media centers. There are many choices, so you're certain to find the perfect electric fireplace suite that complements the decor and style of your home.While traditional wood or gas fireplaces burn wood, coal and other substances to generate heat, modern electric fire suites employ an electro-magnetic process to generate heat. The heat that is generated is circulated through the room, warming it and creating a comfortable environment. They are a greener alternative to traditional fireplaces and don't emit harmful levels of carbon monoxide which can cause death if inhaled.The eStudio Arosa and Cerreto 140 electric fire suites are an excellent choice for those looking to have modern, contemporary fireplaces. They are easy to set up and come with everything you need for a flat-wall fix. The eStudio Electric fireplace suites have an open-fronted style, and the Arosa is a contemporary linear design while the Cerreto is more elliptical in its curve.The flamerite Luma LED electric fireplace suite is a different option that is available in a variety of finishes and comes with a variety of fire variations to suit your taste. Its stunning, realistic flame picture is created using low energy LED's, and it is controlled by the included remote control or an app that you can download on your tablet or phone. You can change the varying flame patterns and colours, adjust the temperature settings, and set a timer to switch the fire off and on at specific dates.Easy to maintainWith just a little regular care, electric fireplace suites require less maintenance than other heating options. Electric fire suites don't need chimneys or gas lines. This means that you can heat your home without spending an enormous amount for energy bills. Additionally, you don't have to deal with dirty carbon monoxide or ashes that result from burning wood. Instead, you can clean the glass window and wipe down any dust that builds up over time.Before you begin cleaning, make sure your fireplace is shut off and unplugged. Make sure you are aware of any exposed wires because they could pose dangerous to children and animals. Also, make sure you review the owner's manual as well as follow any safety recommendations for the model you have selected.If the fireplace is mounted on a wall Use a soft brush or cloth to get rid of any dust that has accumulated. Also, clean the outlet and inlet vents on the front and back of the fireplace to ensure that there is no accumulation of dust. After cleaning the vents, you can clean the glass of your fireplace. Utilize a microfiber towel to gently clean both the interior and exterior surfaces of your fireplace.After cleaning the unit take a look for signs of wear. If you notice any loose connections or wires, it is best to seek out a professional to examine and fix the issue before plugging the fire back in. Replace the light bulbs in your fire place at least every two years. This will keep the effects of the flames fresh and realistic.Another advantage of an electric fireplace is the capability to provide zone heating for the room in which it is installed. This feature lets you set a temperature and turn the fireplace on and off as needed, saving energy by only heating the areas of your home that are being used. Certain electric fire suites include a thermostat that can be used to regulate the use. It will turn the fireplace off when a certain time or temperature is reached.
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