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They will choose the safest way and never let the elements of fate spread. And he, a small monitoring station technician, can be completely sacrificed. Wang Delin suddenly remembered a trivial matter. Last year, the demolition team held an annual meeting in the hotel. He brought his daughter and wife to attend. The daughter chatted with Li Dong and chatted quite speculatively. Colleagues all said that this girl would be great in the future, and she could chat with Li Dong for so many rounds. Her daughter is the first in the kindergarten exam every year, and the school is considering letting her go directly to the third grade. His daughter, who is gifted, is not a mediocrity. He doesn't want his daughter to have no father. Besides, son, he's going to have a son soon. Why can't people be selfish? Wang Delin felt that he had struggled for half a lifetime, not to see such a result. He always knew the world was unfair and was willing to play by the rules of the game. Because of his father, Xiao Chen was able to gain a firm foothold in the demolition team, and it doesn't matter if he has no background. He has worked hard all the way to the present. He used to be an arrogant graduate of the highest university. In the worldly wisdom, his edges and corners have been polished and become mellow to match his figure. It was so hard for him to take root in Thistle City. Why should he be taken away when he was taken away? Why should everything he cherishes disappear? However, he knew very well in his heart that he would start to do one, two, countless things against the team and even the whole world. The noblest situation, of course, is that he sacrifices himself in exchange for the vigilance of the team. His eyes moved to the top of his watch. When he was a child, he read the novel, "The great chivalrous man is for the country and the people.". Moreover, even if he pretends to be a normal person now, allows himself to be controlled and sneaks into the demolition team, soon if something happens to the demolition team, the world will begin to be turbulent. When the time comes, his family,x70 line pipe, including him, won't be able to keep any of them? Wang Delin almost raised his hand to press it, but the unspeakable pain in his heart was like pressing this button, not to protect, but to destroy his home. He has now thoroughly empathized with Fate's life, and his concept of home and country has become the defense of Fate's country. He changed his mind and withdrew his hand. Maybe he will struggle infinitely, but at least, at least let him see his son born. At that time, he will give himself up. Two thoughts fight, as long as one side of the idea reveals a line of weakness, the other side will immediately come. He has been completely buried by the idea of "letting himself be controlled". Fate magnifies the most fundamental desire in his heart. Wang Delin's foundation pattern is not big. He is a person who wants family happiness and a good life. So he made up his mind to be selfish, to be small, and to help his family. He can't do it for the country and the people and abandon his personal happiness. Wang Delin raised his head, uns s32760 plate ,316ti stainless steel, smiled at the two hooded men and said, "Have you been in Thistle City all the time?" One man, speaking better Mandarin, said, "We dare not attract your attention. We have been hiding here and there.". Now you feel it, but? It needs you to do something. "Who is it?" "He is our master. Do you already know what he wants you to do?" Wang Delin felt that the instructions he gave seemed to jump directly out of his own consciousness, as if he had spontaneously generated them. He chatted with the two men for a while, then left and went back to his car. The uncle who collected the money came over and said to him, "One hour, fifteen." Uncle says to look at Wang Delin, that look in the eyes is saying: "Look, what did I say?" Uncle heart is very contemptuous, but also have the nerve to say that he is only ten minutes, do not want to pay the parking fee, rich people, still need this money? Money without quality! Wang Delin picked up the paper money and handed it to the uncle, who looked him in the eye and was startled, thinking that his inner activities had been seen through and that the man was looking for trouble. He took the money and quickly walked a few steps away from Wang Delin. Wow, his eyes were like dead fish eyes. He was scared to death. Chapter 28 The Wanderer 27-Xiu The next day, Wang Delin went to work as usual. According to the instructions of "it", he adjusted the relative world data sent to Li Dong and Xiao Chen, modified a very small value, and then reported it. The director of the monitoring station was very busy these two days because of Fate. He glanced at Wang Delin's report and found no mistakes, so he approved it directly. Then the final data of the relative world of the vagrant world was sent to Xiao Chen's material ball making instrument. Xiao Chen and Li Dong could not find the problem. They built the new vagrant world according to Wang Delin's data. Wang Delin, in his monitoring position, watched the magnetic field of the vagrant world rise and fall, laughed strangely, and dialed the station director. When the station director received a phone call from Wang Delin, his eyeballs were pushed to the top of his eyes, and he almost didn't come up in one breath. He ran to report to the big leader, and in the middle of running, he remembered that it was his responsibility. When building the parallel world, the data was wrong, resulting in the failure to cut and overwrite the original world, but a tiny error, a thousand miles away, became a copy and paste. Now the two wanderer worlds co-exist. Wang Delin said that light waves also show red shift, what does it mean? It means that two worlds are approaching! In two hours, the world of the wanderer and the copy of the world of the wanderer will overlap with each other. The magnetic fields of these two worlds are positive and negative. Once they overlap with each other, they will be annihilated! Destroy the world in a real sense. The problem is that the world of vagrants is still linked to this world. If the world of vagrants is destroyed, it will be destroyed. The world of the earth will also undergo tremendous changes. Maybe the energy will be enough to grind the earth into powder. The collision of positive and negative matter, the gamma ray burst, will bring tremendous energy,x60 line pipe, and the terrible annihilation will devour everything. This is high school physics. He made a mistake in high school physics and rushed to sue himself? Didn't you forget to bring your brain when you went out? He braked suddenly and startled the passing head of the finance department. He asked, "Zhang Tai, what's wrong? Frequent urination and urgent urination?" 。
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