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Electric Fireplace Suites FreestandingElectric fireplace suites freestanding can be a great way to add warmth and ambiance to any space. They come in a variety of designs and colors.They are easy to operate and use and usually have advanced features like adjustable thermostats and flame effects that look real. Some have WiFi connectivity, which makes it easier to manage.Flamerite ManhattanIf you are looking for an elegant electric fireplace that will be the central feature of your living area, the Flamerite Manhattan is the ideal option. It can be mounted into a wall or on a flat surface, such as a mantel shelf. It doesn't need a hearth, so it is perfect for homes with limited space.The suite comes with an 1500W fan blower, two control options (Smart eControl app or manual) and comes with either the Radia or Nitra electric fire. The Radia features a stunning LED fuel effect and flame picture with an intense reflection of the fuel, while the Nitra comes with the same features and five pre-set animations. Both have the option of having an remote control so that you can enjoy your fire from the comfort of your couch.The flame image of the Manhattan can be adjusted through the flame lighting settings, allowing you to alter the brightness of the flames to create the ideal ambience. The electric fire can be thermostatically controlled which means you can alter the amount of heat that is produced to fit your home.Another benefit of this fire is that it doesn't require a chimney, so you can install it in any room of your home. It is easy to use and clean since there aren't any hot embers. The top of the fireplace suite comes with the option to shut off the heating.All electric fires sold by Fires2u are manufactured in Britain and are covered by a two-year warranty. The company was established in 1999, and is one of the oldest manufacturers of electric fires in the United Kingdom. They rely on their vast experience to ensure the highest standards of innovation and quality in all their products. The company is committed in aiding British manufacturing. They are proud to be a part of the Made in Britain collective mark.Visit our showrooms in Cheadle, Bromsgrove, or Stockport to see the Flamerite Manhattan before you buy. Our staff will be happy show you the many features of this stunning electric fireplace suite. Ask about the different options we offer for fires and surrounds. We can help you choose the perfect fit to your home.Flamerite VirtueIf you're interested in adding a fireplace suite to your home but do not want the hassle of putting in an chimney flue system or chimney, an electric fireplace suite freestanding is the best option. They can be positioned on the wall flat and create stunning focal points in any room. They don't require a chimney system or flue. Apart from being easy to install they also offer additional heat to your home.Electric fire sets come in a variety of styles. It is important to select the best one for your needs prior to buying. If you're not careful, you may end up with a suite that doesn't meet your requirements or looks cheap and unappealing. Learn more about the various types of electric suites.The Flamerite Virtue suite is a stunning free-standing suite that includes the popular Ennio Electric Fire. The electric suite can be fitted raised up in the wall with no chimney or flue needed. It has a convenient storage compartment base which can be used to store dried logs. This suite is compatible with the Smart eControl App that lets you control your fire from your tablet or smartphone.This stunning suite from Flamerite is a stunning alternative for modern homes. It features a natural oak surround and hearth that has a textured or a smooth finish. It can be positioned against a flat wall or a sloped wall. The Ennio electric fireplace is simple to operate, with an on/off switch, as well as two temperature settings.Calculate the amount of electricity that your electric fireplace will consume by multiplying the wattage by your current energy costs in pence per hour. You'll need the wattage of your fireplace, the duration you intend to use it daily and the amount of energy your provider charges per kWh.Flamerite Glazer 1500, another free-standing electric suite, is able to be placed on flat surfaces. The suite comes with a single or three-sided electric fireplace and you can alter the flame effect to suit your mood. This suite is ideal for modern spaces. It can be fitted with either an traditional or a cinder-log woodland log.Flamerite ElaraWith a unique blend of innovation and design, Flamerite electric fireplace suites create a striking focal point without the need for logs or gas. Their premium European-made fires feature stunning flame effects that resemble real flames and a non-reflective ultra-black front glass, and additional warmth. The fires can be controlled easily by using a wireless remote control or a discrete but easy-to-use keypad. They are also compatible with Google Home and Alexa, which allows you to control your flame effect and temperature settings from the comfort of your smart device.Flamerite provides a variety of electric fires powered by low-energy LEDs. They can be controlled by an app that's fully functional that you can download and install on your iOS (must be at minimum version 5) or Android* phone/tablet. The app lets you operate your electric fireplace independently from your heating system, adjusting the flame's appearance and temperature with the click of a button. You can also set a timer for 7 days.In addition to the downloaded application, some electric fires manufactured by Flamerite feature an integrated touchscreen display. These displays let you navigate through the suite's features and functions by selecting options from a menu or simply by touching the screen to change the settings. This kind of interface is particularly useful when you don't have an Android phone that you can use with your fireplace suite that is electric.The use of an electric fire suite can be a great way to reduce heating costs, but it's important to think about the amount of power your suite will use each day. To calculate this you'll need the power of your fireplace, the current prices for electricity, and how many hours you're planning to use it per day. electric fire suite for sale , for instance is a 1600 watt fire that will use approximately 1.6kWh of power per day.Electric fireplace suites can provide the same amount of heat as an air heating system and are an excellent addition to your heating system. Some models have crackling or acoustic sounds which can increase the atmosphere of your room. It's important to remember that not all electric fire suites come with these features, so be certain to confirm this prior to buying.Flamerite LolaThis beautiful free-standing easy-to-install electric fire suite is designed to sit flat against the wall and create a stunning eye-catching focal point. The Flamerite Glazer 1000 3-sided fire comes with LED dancing flames, a patented log-effect fuel bed, and an incredible LED dancing fire. The surround is available in Artic White, Pastel Grey or Black to complement the style of your room. The Glazer 1000 fire also comes with a variety of control systems, including Smart eControl with Radia Flame 3D and Fire-eControl that utilizes Nitra Flame effects.Both options give you the possibility of operating your fireplace via an app for iOS and Android devices, or with remote control, featuring dimmable LED flame effects as well as an adjustable timer that can be programmed for 7 days. The Radia Flame effect gives you the option of choosing from five pre-set scrolling flame animations and an array of warm flame colours as well as an option to flicker.Flamerite Lola electric set includes a concealed fan heater that has thermostatic control. It can be used on two heat settings, or only the flame effect for all-year-round use. It features a 3-sided panoramic glass burn area that allows you to view the amazing flames from any angle. The surround is available in a choice of Starlight White or Pearl Grey, and the fuel bed can be found available in a choice of white and glass pebbles or Cinderwood logs and embers.
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