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A 2 in 1 Travel System With Car SeatA 2-in-1 travel system that includes car seats gives parents the convenience of a car seat for their infant and stroller that are able to work together. However they can be costly.These combos make it easy for parents to transport a sleeping baby from stroller to car and back again without waking them up. This is an excellent option for families that are constantly in motion.ComfortTravel systems that include a stroller and infant car seat are a great way to make the transition from the car to stroller a breeze. In contrast to stroller-only combos, these all-in-ones typically have an infant car seat and a stroller that click together and are suitable for toddlers and newborns. Many of the car-and stroller combinations on our list have a bassinet included that can be used as a secure alternative to a stroller during naptime walks.A 2 in 1 travel system that comes with a car seat will cost more than buying the items separately, but you'll save time and money by purchasing them all together. If you decide that the stroller and car seat are not right for your family in the future the majority of brands have adaptors that allow you to use the car seat with another stroller.When shopping for a travel set be aware that a majority of these sets include an infant car-seat and a stroller that are designed to work together. They are intended to be used in the first year. If you intend to keep the car seat after this period make sure you choose a model which has a convertible car-seat that is suitable for toddlers and has a greater maximum weight.Some travel systems include an additional seat that can be used to support older children. is a great option, but it may not be appropriate for your needs.If you're looking for a great travel system that will last a few years, check out our top choices for car seats and strollers. Tested by our editors, favorites like the UPPAbaby PIPA stroller and car seat combo come with numerous features that will keep your child and you comfortable. These products have springy all-wheel suspensions to smooth the ride, and the PIPA car seat comes with an integrated drape canopy to protect a child who is snoozing. These seats also come with rigid LATCH connectors that can be used on vehicles that do not have a base. This makes them a great option for families who regularly use ride-sharing services or have two vehicles.ConvenienceCar seat/stroller combos are great for parents who regularly run the errands of their children or take them out on public transport such as buses and trains. They let you easily move your sleeping newborn from the car to the stroller without disturbing them or awakening them.A few of the top stroller-car seat combinations can be converted to a double as you have a growing family. We like the Thule Urban Glide 2 Combo which comes with an infant car seat and stroller that snap into place to instantly transform into a sleek chariot for two. This feature is especially important when you intend to use the car seat as your baby's only vehicle seat.Other stroller-car seat combinations may have more complicated conversion procedures. You may need to manually connect the car seat to stroller or use straps attached to base to secure it. In our testing this method was generally more difficult to master than one-step process of the Doona. It can be a safety risk in the event that you lose or forget to attach the straps before using the travel system.A car seat/stroller combination is a good idea, but you should also think about whether the infant car seats and strollers can be used together for as long as you require them to. The majority of car seats and strollers utilize rear-facing infant car seats that are designed to be used until your child is 1. These car seats cannot be connected to a stroller after they are no longer required in the car. Some all-in-one car seat/stroller products like the Doona, can be used as a car seat for toddlers with the seat belt booster when your child has outgrown the infant car seat but is too tall to fit in most traditional strollers.Car seat/stroller combos are ideal for newborns through the early years of childhood. Once your child outgrows the car seats for infants and you are looking at purchasing a separate stroller and replacing the travel system with a bigger model that can be used by older children and toddlers. Also, keep in mind that you should always ensure the infant car seat is set up correctly and never remove it from your vehicle without removing the straps first.SafetyCar seat and stroller combos make it easy to move infants from the vehicle to the stroller and back without disturbing them or having to wake them up. Rothman says this is especially useful when you're doing errands or traveling. To ensure extra safety, choose an automobile seat that connects to a stroller with a rigid LATCH system or a click-on system. This will ensure that the car seat will remain secure while in use, and will not fall off or come loose in the course of transport. Combinations of car seats and stroller that can be used with or without the base are an excellent option for ride-share vehicles.When you are looking for a travel system, be sure to check the weight and age limits of both the car seat and stroller. Typically, the infant car seats in these systems are rear-facing and only designed for use during the first 12 months of your child's life. These car seats can be transformed into a forward-facing car seat that can be used in the vehicle, or snapped into a stroller. Stanton says it's crucial to read all labels and instructions particularly when it comes time to make sure your child is in compliance with the weight and height requirements of both the car seat as well as the stroller.While some parents prefer to purchase separate products and create their own travel system, it's not uncommon for companies to offer pre-packaged car seat and stroller set-ups. These sets are usually cheaper than purchasing them separately. For example, UPPAbaby's popular Vista stroller and Mesa infant car seat is a sought-after set. The stroller has smooth riding with springy suspension on all wheels and a large basket to hold all the baby's toys. The car seat has a low profile and comes with a SafeCell crumple zone for added security. The SafeCenter LATCH makes it simple to set up. The car seat comes with an adjustable headrest that can be adjusted in four positions with four harness settings as well as a padded insert to ensure the comfort of your child. It is easy to clean, and folds with just one hand.StyleIt's tempting to buy a travel system to make it easier to move your child from the car to the stroller without waking them, but that's not the main reason to buy one. You should also look for an option with a fashionable design, which is simple to use and has many other features for your child's comfort and yours.Travel systems that are the best include the infant car, stroller and car seat base in one box to make it easier for you to move from your vehicle to the street. They usually have a one-piece infant car seat that snaps into a compatible stroller, and some even offer a bassinet attachment for strolls during nap time (safety research has shown that babies sleep better in reclined positions).Strollers and infant car seats made to work with 2 in 1 travel systems are light and durable, making them easy to push, maneuver and fold. Find models with rubber tires and a swivel wheel at the front for city streets as well as a large basket for cargo, and can accommodate multiple shopping bags. You also want to check how the stroller and car seat are when they're folded to make storage easier.Some travel systems let you replace the infant car seat with a toddler car seat when your child is no longer using it. This allows for an additional 2 to 3 years of use. This is an excellent option for those who intend to use the seat for a longer period of time or if a partner travels by bus, train or ride-share.Graco's All-in-One Car Seat and Stroller is a top pick for families that want an all-in-one solution. It's easy to move from a car seat to a stroller, and back, thanks to the LATCH system that locks the seat swiftly and securely in your car. It is also certified for air travel, so you can get on and off public transportation with ease. The All-in-One Car Seat and Stroller can also convert into a double stroller, allowing you to take your baby on adventures around the world. It's also available in a range of vibrant colors to complement any wardrobe.
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